Terms & Conditions

During Booking Process

Parents / Carers must declare any medical conditions, including allergies, during the registration process. Parents / Carers must understand that a child cannot partake in the class / event unless these details are provided.

At Little Learners we like to capture lots of photographs and videos of your child’s learning journey and sometimes these will be used for marketing purposes. Please indicate your preferences around the use of photographs of your child during the booking process.

 Any misuse of discount codes during the booking process will result in you being invoiced for the remaining balance. If this is not paid in full your place will be cancelled without a refund of any monies paid. Misuse of discount codes includes sharing codes that are for your sole use and using codes that aren't applicable i.e. birthday codes and sibling discounts.

 During Class

Parents/Carers are solely responsible for their child/children at all times during Little Learners classes; for example, although care is taken to ensure materials used are non-toxic, parents/carers should take sensible precautions to ensure that materials aren't ingested.

Please be aware that some activities involve materials which can become slippery so extra care must be taken. The class leader will put reasonable precautions into place in order to minimise slip hazards. Class leaders are not responsible for injuries within a venue. Running is not allowed in class.

Please wear old clothes that you and your child are comfortable moving about in and would not be worried about getting wet or marked. Little Learners takes no responsibility for clothes that are stained, marked or damaged. Remember to bring a change of clothes, towel and some wipes are handy.

We understand that children get hungry so snacks are fine, but please take your child to one side whilst having their snack and not while taking part in the activities. 

It is a parent / carer’s responsibility for keeping class leaders up to date with medical conditions and allergy information.

Cancellation or Missed Sessions

You must refrain from bringing your child to class if they have had any form of illness within 48 hours of the class commencing. Little Learners class leaders have the ability to remove or decline entrance if they feel a child is sick / showing symptoms.

All bookings are non-refundable. Refunds cannot be made at the request of the parent. Short notice requests may be accommodated where possible, but Little Learners makes no guarantee and does not accept any liability where these requests cannot be accommodated. 

It is down to the class leader’s discretion whether a class place can be transferred to another child. Please contact the class leader in advance as it will be necessary to complete medical and policy information.

Please note that outdoor events will go ahead in all weathers (with the exception of dangerous weather such as a storm or high winds).

If we are unable to run a session as a result of any event outside our control we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible.  We aim to offer an alternative date for the missed session or offer you a voucher to redeem on a class or event in the future.